A Nigerian Filmmaker, Oladeinde Agbon better known as Orisa, has slammed Nollywood actor, Femi Adebayo for feeding off from Yoruba culture. The upcoming filmmaker, shared photos of Femi Adebayo in Mecca during Ramadan, as he called his attention to his hypocrisy of using Yoruba tradition as a story for his movie, yet worshipping another god. He advised the Box Office King to use Prophet Muhammad in his next movie, so they could see how much he would make.
“Worshipping the Arab god after making mad money from telling a story from isese.
Baba abeg next time na Prophet Muhammad story make you make into a movie for us, make we see how much an Arab story will fetch you”. Luckily for Femi Adebayo, netizens came to his defense as they slammed the filmmaker. One Wealthy Forever wrote, “Got it, so don’t tell stories because you practice a certain religion? Stop trying to force yours on others. No one is stopping you from practicing your own religion. One Ayeesher Buba wrote, “Dis is exactly how shallow-minded ppl are honestly. Religion and culture are two different things. You are Yoruba but you’re a Christian by religion so how is that hypocrisy Ogbeni?
One Asking Graphics wrote, “This one is obviously dùmb, so because I’m a Muslim now I shouldn’t design a Church flyer or what?
One Sossi Official wrote, “What has his religious beliefs got to do with his creativity? Nothing you do for this life fit satisfy human being Dem go always find comma
One Tobiloba wrote, “Who be this one again? Every Yoruba, regardless of religion, has the right to tell an Isese story, this is known as heritage”.
A few weeks back, Femi Adebayo had expressed excitement after receiving his first award for Jagun Jagun. The movie star recounted how he got a call from Woli Arole, informing him about a dinner in honor of his movie, which he contemplated declining. Unaware of what they had planned for him, Femi Adebayo was blown away by the award presentation and the emotional speech from Faithia Williams and Bimbo Ademoye. Opening up on the movie in an interview with the press, the box office King revealed that he sold his properties to fund the movie, which is a multi-billion project because he didn’t want to seek help from financial institutions and individuals. Elsewhere in the interview, he revealed his worst nightmare and the inspiration behind it.